
This website is maintained and managed by the family of Hugh Lamb. We are keen to receive any comments or memories you may have on the man or his work. We also welcome feedback on the website. All suggestions and ideas welcome!


  1. Jenny Simmons (was Montgomerie)

    Wow what a surprise seeing your name after all these years. John and I are still living in Wales. Samantha is a teacher in Lincoln, Daniel lives just down the road and works at the DVLA and Annabelle married a man whose family run a pub restaurant and brewery and distillery over by Carmarthen. For twenty years I was the manager of a Citizens Advice Bureau but have been retired for 6 years. I now have a craft stall selling knitted and felted accessories.

  2. Alex

    Dear Sir!

    Tell me please, who owns the copyright for L.A.Lewis ?



    • Hugh Lamb Online

      Hi, Alex.

      We don’t have access to this kind of information, and Hugh Lamb can’t be messaged directly through this site.

    • David Sutton

      The copyright of the Lewis estate was owned by Richard Dalby, but now by his heirs.

  3. Dianne Marsh

    As a Librarian, I am always trying to keep my records up-to-date. I have your first published book, a tide of terror, and want to be able to put into my records your birthdate, just the year, if you would be so kind to accomadate.

    • Hugh Lamb Online

      Hi, Dianne. Your question will be answered in a PM.

  4. Michael D. Toman

    Dear Friends of Hugh Lamb,

    This is just a quick message to wish Mr. Lamb a “Happy Birthday!” today from one of his long-time readers. I discovered his TIDE OF TERROR with delight in my hometown library of Lansing, MI in the United States more moons ago than the Overbooked Undersigned cares to count.

    While I haven’t managed to track down all of his books since I retired from librarianship after over 40 years in 2015, I’m still working on it.

    While I would be delighted to hear from Mr. Lamb, I’m also aware that “Free Time” seems to be in even shorter supply than usual for everyone lately, much less writers and readers, so no reply, immediate or otherwise, is necessary or expected.

    This is just one long-time reader’s way of saying “Thank You!” for many hours of reading pleasure. Much appreciated!


    Michael D. Toman

    • Hugh Lamb Online

      Thank you so much for the message, Michael. It was actually passed on to Hugh and he was extremely moved. He’s also thrilled that his books have brought you so much pleasure, especially as someone who has been coming back from the first publication onward.

  5. Todd Mason

    Rest in Peace, Rest in Glory.

    • Hugh Lamb Online

      Thank you, Todd.

  6. Mick Sims

    I was very sad to see Richard Lamb’s post about his dear dad. Hugh Lamb was a smashing bloke. He gave me my first publication back in 1976 in his The Taste Of Fear anthology where I was in the splendid company of such as Ramsey Campbell and David Sutton, not to mention William Hope Hodgson, E H Visiak, John Blackburn, L T C Rolt and Frederick Cowles.

    We kept in touch over the years and I found his generosity to be endless, and his enthusiasm for the supernatural fiction genre undimmed. When Len Maynard and I began Enigmatic Tales we wanted it to feature quiet, traditional stories and Hugh was incredibly helpful. He offered stories for us to publish in what was a small press magazine, and Hugh Lamb’s Tales From The Grave became a regular feature. Stories from Zita Inez Ponder, Bernard Capes, Howard Pease, Dick Donovan and many others re-introduced forgotten writers to a modern audience.

    When Enigmatic ended and we began to edit Darkness Rising for Sean Wallace, Hugh continued his support with more stories from such authors as Howard Jones, Maurice Level and others. The inclusion of these long out of print stories proved so popular that others contributed such as Rhys Hughes and C D Pollard.

    Hugh provided all these lost gems for free – a professional, he asked for no payment. Over the years Hugh’s kindness and generosity knew no bounds. I have all his anthologies, and many were given to me by Hugh with typical inscriptions. A few years ago when the large collection of books co-owned with Len was sold off the Lamb collection was fixed firmly to the shelves.

    Hugh was entertaining company. He was a fine anthologist and editor. He was a fine man.

    • Hugh Lamb Online

      Thanks for commenting, Mick. Hugh loved nothing more than sharing the stories with an eager audience. That was his joy.

  7. Alex

    Thank you for all what you did. For all these weird stories.

    • Hugh Lamb Online

      Thank you, Alex.

  8. John

    I found out about Mr Lamb through his essay on Hugh Walpole’s ‘A Second Century of Creepy Stories’, in Kim Newman and Stephen Jones’ ‘Horror’ 100 Best Books’ . I was very impressed with his words on ghost stories (I now proudly have Walpole’s book on my self above me), and I’ve decided to start reading Mr Lamb’s collections.
    I’m amazed and glad to find out that someone went to the effort of finding all the other ghost stories that fall through the cracks of most collections because they are not Dickens, Collins, Jacobs, Benson, either of the James’s, or one of the other names we’ve all seen a hundred times. I look forward to reading!

    Thank you!

    • Hugh Lamb Online

      Thank you for the kind comment, John. We always appreciate knowing that there is an audience out there for Hugh’s work. Sharing those lesser known stories was really important to him, as it is to his son, Richard, who is carrying on the work. Watch out for a new anthology later this year!



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