Cold Fear
Hardcover – Published in 1977 by W. H. Allen.
To those who thought the tale of terror was a dying art, and to those who know it isn’t, welcome. Cold Fear is for both of you, and for anyone else who likes to feel the midnight touch of masters in the craft of purveying sheer terror…
In Hugh Lamb’s latest anthology, fourteen authors contribute unpublished stories, among them the famous – Robert Aickman, Ramsey Campbell, John Blackburn, Charles Birkin, Rosemary Timperely – and newer writers with just as promising futures – Kathleen Murray, Adrian Cole, Ken Alden.
Cold Fear comes from many sources; a haunted lighthouse, a pack of Tarot cards, a plastic bag, a medieval necromancer, a strange hotel, an empty cinema, an Austrian forest, and a prehistoric relic.
The result is the same in every case; cold fear, as fourteen writers do their level best to scare the living daylights out of you…be warned, they just might succeed.
Foreword – Hugh Lamb
Lullaby for a Baby Horror-Story Writer – Marion Pitman
In the Bag – Ramsey Campbell
The Music in the House – Eleanor Inglefield
In the Glow-Zone – Brian Lumley
The Papal Magician – Ken Alden
Laura – Robert Aickman
An Emissary for the Devil – Robert Haining
A Little Bit of Egypt – David Sutton
Aunty Green – John Blackburn
All the Amenities – Kathleen Murray
The Demon in the Stone – Adrian Cole
Dinner in a Private Room – Charles Birkin
The House in the Forest – Frederick Cowles
The Man Who Wouldn’t Eat – Arthur Porges
The Darkhouse Keeper – Rosemary Timperley
After the Queen – Ramsey Campbell
Cold Fear was Hugh Lamb’s first anthology to consist solely of contemporary stories.
“As one of the prime British horror anthologists of the 1970s (alongside Peter Haining and Michel Parry), Hugh Lamb’s passion was for rediscovering and republishing lost Victorian ghost stories. Thus COLD FEAR is something of an anomaly, a collection of mostly contemporary, unpublished tales. The good thing about this is that I hadn’t read a single one of them before, which is unusual for me…”
Goodreads Reviewer